Tanoura Dance
With de progress of time , the pressures of life and the development of the arts, Sufi dance was influenced through new invention of the Tanoura dance or the modern contemporary sufi dance.
The Tanoura dance is a similar to the sufi dance with the same rules but different by adding colors to the skirt and the varity of skirts that the dancer circulates.
Selected the black and white color for the Tanoura to express sadness,happiness and the lasting struggle between good and evil. In the Tanoura we find that the black color is predominant before the whirling, and when the whirling begins, starts the domination of the white color on the black one so this is the way and process of our life, when the earth stops going around, this means the end of the world and darkness will prevail everywhere, but when the earth going again round then the happiness defeats the sadness then will be goodness and peace everywhere.